陳映娥Ms. Josephine Chan
不一樣的校長「把孩子的不可能……變為可能」Perhaps one may say that I am an unconventional Principal, to me it is vital to empower children to "Make The Impossibles Possible".
本校的辦學理念為 Smart Learning With Joy & Fun。要小朋友玩得開心快樂實在很容易達到,但要小朋友學得Smart(即醒目及思考靈活),便要靠優質的校本課程,讓孩子在遊戲過程中盡情表達自己的想法,容許孩子天馬行空的想像及高度自由發言的機會。在輕鬆愉快與得到認同的環境下,孩子自然能建立自信心,必定對學習感興趣。Smart Learning with Joy & Fun is a motto for our students at St Anthony’s. It is easy to allow children to play happily. However, in order to have children learning effectively through play, we must implement a quality engaging curriculum. Through our creative and innovative curriculum, we encourage children to express their own ideas in their play, providing opportunities for children to think broadly without boundaries. Our Kindergarten's emphasis on explorations and innovative thinking provide an environment for the development of 'High Order Thinking'. These joyful and positive learning experiences instill confidence and love of learning in children.
基於本校重視培育孩子探索的精神及思考的方法,故我校孩子必擁有高層次思維(High Order Thinking)的能力,願「把孩子的不可能……變為可能」的例子作分享,共同為孩子打打氣:May I take this opportunity to share a few examples of our spirit of empowering children "Make The Impossibles Possible":
歡迎不同國籍的小朋友加入聖安多尼的快樂大家庭Welcome children of various nationalities to join our embracing and happy community
無論是操法文、英語、國語、菲律賓語、甚至印度語的小朋友,在本校就讀三至四個月,在豐富 的語言環境下,必會學到廣東話,並以廣東話與同伴溝通,甚至演說等……此外,彼此學習來自不同國籍小朋友的國家文化,各級學生進行多元文化日的設計活動,提升孩子國際視野。而低班及高班的小朋友更會書寫中文字,並會用中文文字寫書信,與老師及同伴溝通,家長感到十分驚訝!No matter whether your child’s mother tongue is French, English, Putonghua, Hindi or Tagalog, after 3 to 4 months at St. Anthony's, not only can he/she communicate with classmates in Cantonese, and quickly progress to deliver speeches confidently and joyfully in Cantonese. At the appropriate age, they can also happily write letters in Chinese to their teachers and classmates.
Children’s multicultural interests and perspectives are very much evidenced at St. Anthony’s, creating a cross-cultural learning environment for children, encouraging the understanding of cultural diversities at a very young age.
相信每位孩子都是獨特的,他們必擁有無限潛能Every child is unique, possessing unlimited potential
家長A說:「校長,語言治療師表示我的孩子語言遲緩,我真的很擔心!」我滿有信心對家長承 諾,只要你跟學校配合,我深信您的孩子必能獨當一面。經過一年多的時間後,孩子能夠站在畢業 典禮的舞台上,面對350位觀眾擔任小司儀,家長感動得流下眼淚,與校長相擁而泣作感激致謝!我 校的專業團隊實在功不可抹! 我們深信每一位孩子都有自己的才能,不止是苦練多年的技能(即鋼 琴、舞蹈)才算是才能,孩子懂得摺被子、砌拼圖都是他們獨有的,這樣孩子才會有自信去面對他 們眼中的不可能。A parent said: "Principal, a speech-therapist diagnosed my child as having delayed speech. I am really quite concerned." I promised the parent that through collaborations between our school and the family, their child will speak confidently. Almost 1 year later, the child took the role of MC at the graduation ceremony with an audience of over 350. These heartwarming moments give our teaching team and myself endless energy to embrace, encourage and empower children in striving for success.
每位孩子都能站在舞台公開表演或比賽,肯定自己的能力Not only elite students are encouraged
別以為表現突出的孩子才能參加公開比賽,例如:唱歌聲線甜美才可被選拔參加歌唱比賽? 體育健兒才可以代表學校參加校外競技賽?我校並非如此,偏偏要把不可能……變為可能。不擅唱歌的 孩子,老師會鼓勵為唱歌只是娛樂、不擅長運動的孩子鼓勵成運動只是遊戲,所以小朋友絕對不會感 到挫敗或認為是什麼大事情。當孩子認為自己能夠站於舞台或大場面完成任務,並得到師長的口頭讚 許及來一個擁抱。我校每一位孩子都是得到滿滿愛的幸福寶寶。All children regardless of skill level are encouraged to participate and give their best effort. For example, our teachers motivate all children, even those with a less than perfect voice, to sing for their own joy and all children, even those who are clumsy or unskilled join in sports for fun. In this supporting environment, our children never feel frustrated or discouraged. Through teacher’s praises and encouragements, children cheerfully and confidently engage in all activities.
「把孩子的不可能……變為可能」正正是我孜孜不倦地從事幼兒教育事業的原動力,萬分感謝聖安多尼幼稚園的孩子給予我無限的正能量,讓我及教師團隊共同努力,再創一個又一個的奇蹟!Empowering Children to make impossibles possible is the very core of our philosophy. Appropriate guidance, encouragement and praise will allow children to have unlimited and positive momentum to create miracles.